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Web of Science

Categories: Philosophy
Title: The sign-symbolic evolution of heroism: exploring the intersection of pop philosophy and postmodern linguistics in the phenomenon of the heroic personality. Synesis
Authors: Ishchuk, A., Khrypko, S., Palinchak, M., Dobrodum, O., & Spudka, I.
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) – Q2


Subject area: Energy, Engineering
Title: Refined calculation of energy modes of a frequency-regulated induction motor
Authors: Volkov, V.A., Antonov, N.L.
DOI: 10.20998/2074-272X.2024.5.01
Quartile – Q3

Subject area: Energy, Engineering
Title: On the possibilities of using hydrogen electricity storage systems in the power grids of industrial enterprises with their own renewable energy sources
Authors: Shram, O., Kachan., Y.
DOI: 10.36296/1819-8058.2024.2(77).117-122
Quartile – Q4

Subject area: Business, Management and Accounting, Social Sciences
Title: The Mechanism of Activation of Investment Potential in the Post-Conflict Period of Development of the Tourism Industry
Authors: Tsviliy S., Mykhailyk D., Ogloblina V., Gurova D., Korniienko O.
DOI: 10.48161/qaj.v4n3a213
Quartile – Q1

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