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Subject area: Social Sciences, Environmental Science
Title: Transformation of the system of protection of intellectual property rights: Ukrainian and European experience
Authors: Subbot A.I., Bukanov H.M., Palchenkova V.M., Lysenko T.V., Zelinska Y.S.
DOI: 10.47172/2965-730X.SDGsReview.v5.n01.pe03770
Quartile – Q3, Q4, Q4

Subject area: Physics and Astronomy
Title: Optical properties of assemblies of disc-shaped metallic nanoparticles
Authors: Pavlyshche N.I., Korotun A.V., Kurbatsky V.P.
DOI: 10.1063/10.0034657
Quartile – Q3

Subject area: Physics and Astronomy
Title: More on the size effects on the spectral figure of merit and enhancement of the local fields in the neighborhood of biconical and bipyramidal metallic nanoparticles
Authors: Korotun A.V.
DOI: 10.1063/10.0034658
Quartile – Q3

Subject area: Physics and Astronomy
Title: Optical response of a chain of oblate metal nanospheroids on a dielectric substrate
Authors: Maniuk M.S., Korotun A.V., Kurbatsky V.P.
DOI: 10.1063/10.0034659
Quartile – Q3

Web of Science

Web of Science Categories: Chemistry, Analytical
Title: Analysis of the Complex of Adaptive and Compensatory Changes in Chronic Inflammation of the Reproductive System Based on the Evaluation of the Features of the Spectrum of Cytochemical Indicators of the Activity of Circulating and Tissue Leukocytes.
Authors: Sokolovska I; Prybora N; Nechyporenko V; Pozdniakova O; Hordiienko N; Nechyporenko K; Siliavina Y); Antonenko I; Serhata N; Zarytska V; Ievstigneieva I; Hryshyna T; Zazirny I; Pokropyvnyi O; Ibrahimova O; Yanitka L; Kryachok I; Tytorenko I; Varakuta M; Bulanov V; Mavrin V; Govorukha T; Kmetyuk Y
DOI: 10.17721/fujcV12I1P164-179
Quartile – Q4

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